Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Cat Tails

I got my cat, Simba, in July. He's technically still a kitten at 6 months old (and should definitely be classified as one by the way he attacks and bites everything). He is a medium haired cat. I definitely think he still has a lot of filling out to do with his fur. I'm anticipating him getting pretty fluffy.

Anyways, okay. Simba is weird. Maybe it's just kitten stuff, but the way he sleeps is weird, the way he sprints into walls at full speed is weird, the way he meows all the fricken time. Yeah, he definitely gets on my nerves the majority of the time (especially how he is trying to attack my fingers as I'm typing this post!) But then, he turns sweet and into this little cuddly thing that snuggles up to me in bed and I just completely forget how bad he's been. 

This picture above is how he mostly greets me when I get home.

He messes up my rugs all the time, tries to attack his own shadow, gets into my bathroom makeup drawer, crawls behind it and then opens every door in that cabinet (how the heck he does that I have no clue). Oh, and also I have this hanging plant in my kitchen that he likes to climb on top of my table and bat at the vines. Nothing is safe in my house.
Above: the kitchen and the table he stands on, and then bats at the leaves on my plant.

But at the end of the day, he is still this sweet little kitten that LOVES to be picked up. One time I picked him up in my arms and sang the entire song of "We are never getting back together" to him while dancing around my kitchen. And he loved it.
Please excuse this really really awful picture of me, but this is how he LOVES to be held.

So, what i'm trying to say is, on October 8th Simba is going to get his man jewels taken away and turn into Nala if you are picking up what i'm putting down here. I really really am hoping he calms down after that. ;)

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